Extreme Restoration Lyft - Reviews

Extreme Restoration Lyft

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average rating 100%
One of my faves 03/04/2025
By Michael G.
My skin looks so healthy and vibrant since switching from "mens skincar" to Skin Drink! I have convinced friends to use it and every one of them are impressed with how quickly they see a difference. Great products!

average rating 100%
I am impressed! 02/14/2025
By Sharon Pope
I order these products from Life Extension in Ft. Lauderdale Fl. I have used so many products including pricey products like Estee Lauder, Chanel, you name it. In 2 weeks I can see a real improvement in my neck and lower face! Kudos to your company and I will be buying more items! So far, I am very impressed!
average rating 100%
My skin looks moist 01/11/2025
By June Sweeney
You gave a talk at Life Extention and that's how I found out about your wonderful products. I am 92. Since using the Extreme Regeneration, my skin feels and looks brighter and very moist. It was on the 3rd or 4th day that I really noticed it. I put in on day and night. My son, who never notices anything, said Ma, you skin looks great! Thanks for the best.
average rating 100%
Extreme Restoration lyft 11/25/2024
By Beth
I can’t say enough about this product!! I have used it a week now, and it feels really good! I have extremely dry skin and this has been a game changer for me! It feels so good on my face, it doesn’t feel like it could crack into a million pieces a few hours after I apply it! I love it! 10 stars!!
average rating 100%
I'm impressed! 06/21/2024
By Gloria Snider
I have spent a ton on skin care products in the past. The lady at my health store in Dallas Tx. gave me some samples of this and several others. I noticed that creapy skin on my neck has improved so much. My first thought was I must be crazy, so I got the magnifying side of my mirror out and it really looks amazingly good! Love this and will be buying the rest of the line at the store tomorrow.
average rating 100%
The best skin care in the business! 06/12/2024
By Lawrence
I have worked at Natural Health Market in Frisco Tx for several years and have had the pleasure of using your products as well as selling them to my customers. Recently, due to a family illness I had to relocate to Seattle Washington. Unable to get your products there, I decided to try something else. Let me just say that it did not stand up to the hype. Now I am back and ready to get my lyft! It keeps my neck firm and tight. The best period!
average rating 100%
My skin is loving every minute of it! 04/22/2024
By Marya Beauvais
I am so impressed with everything you have concocted and my skin is loving every minute of it!!! I was out to lunch with some famous friends today and the wife of one of the gentleman asked where I get my face done. I told her,
Body Dynamics, baby! Thanks for all you do!
average rating 100%
Made my skin perky 11/03/2023
By J. Bartlett
Great stuff, highly recommend this for your chest.
average rating 100%
Still the best 09/04/2023
By Cynthia Reeves
I have used your skin care now since 2008. I have to tell anyone looking for something new to give this a try. I had used every brand under the sun, and this out shines them all. Thanks Brenda
average rating 100%
Best skin care I have used 07/18/2023
By Pam Coats
I picked this up at Food and Thought in Naples Fl. This is absolute miracle cream! I saw my skin changing and could not believe the difference it was making in my skin. I have a couple of 150$ and up products that are just sitting there because this is so good. I was very surprised at the great results I have been getting!